Thursday, August 8, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because this summer I am doing things that make my heart sing.

I always walk.  I have increased the amount of time that I walk each more to just about 2 hours and 30 minutes.  That is wonderful!!!

Each day I do something that I really enjoy.  Yesterday, I took the doggie to the park and played ball with him.  I had a wonderful time.   I also had my private yoga lesson and it was so enjoyable.  I allowed myself to have sushi for dinner.  I know that I will gain weight from this, but I can always loose it.

I finished the book, SHANGHAI GIRLS and will start DREAMS OF JOY today.  Plus, I have to read the next book for the YOGA BOOK CLUB which I will be able to attend.

Best of all, my plan yesterday was to find dresses for the holidays and I did!!!!  In Cindi's of all places and I was delighted.

I'm texting and talking to friends.  I know when to speak to him and when not to.  I am careful as to what I say because he is always looking to banter or upset me.  He is on a quest for information and he doesn't get any.  If he does, I don't answer.  I am very careful around him, always on guard and I have gotten used to it.  Since I live in the moment, I accept that this is what it is.  I don't think of it as a marriage at all.

Today we are leaving for Westhampton until Tuesday.  I have shortened the amount of time by two days and have done it carefully.   He is still trying to make a condo an issue, but has met with failure at each turn because I am content and satisfied with what I have.  I do not live in a dream world and fully realize what he would try to do if we moved.  I am so grateful that I learned this. I am taking 2 yoga classes at the Westhampton Yoga Studio in town.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I am doing things that make my heart sing.

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