Sunday, August 4, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty that I remained safe yesterday.

I made the mistake of speaking to him too much.  I had heard in synagogue that the older ones boyfriends name was NOT JEWISH BUT MUSLIM. I spoke to a friend of mine who had come from Iraq and he said that the boyfriends name was definitely not a Jewish name.    I was concerned about this and voiced my opinions and strategies about how to handle this to M.   His response was that I was upsetting him.  He accused me of telling him the things happening in the synagogue.  He said that I become upset about these things and tell him.   He accused me of yelling at him.

All of this was a pack of lies.  I could see how he would manipulate a story, become enraged and call 911.

I saw immediately where this would go and I pulled back.  My conscience is clear because I was trying to right a very bad situation.  I had definite visions of last year and vowed to make todays intention STILLNESS.

Thank you Almighty for keeping me safe.

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