Monday, August 19, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I AM GOING TO WORK TODAY!!!!!

The time has come for me to reconnect with my career and my office.

I have enjoyed the summer.  I have weathered all storms with him and I have won!

Real life resumes.

There will shortly be no more discussion of buying another condo which never was going to happen in the first place.

If you check my June entries, you will see that this is what I said back then.  I had said that this was his ploy for the summer to upset me and that it wouldn't succeed. As a matter of fact, during the summer, he slipped and said I thought that I wouldn't buy one.  Then you would nag.......the rest would be history.  It never happened!!!!

The money will sit in the bank forever!!!!!!

I am returning to reality.

Thank you Almighty for the gift of CCA.

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