Friday, August 2, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have been very happy this summer and I hope and pray it continues.

I am a new person, using new strategies to deal with difficult people.   I use yoga principles to keep myself healthy and it's working.  The latest strategy is to make an intention to pay less attention to those who aren't good for me.

It's working!!!!!!

Yesterday, I had a really nice day.   I did some many practical and fun things.  I walked, I shopped for workout clothes, I made a Social Security appointment, I read, I cleaned a closet, and in the evening, I got to watch a Johnny Depp film that I had wanted to see for so long.

Today, so far  (It's 2:00PM)  has been really good.  I walked.  I took a Restorative Yoga class. My new necklace will be ready in 3 weeks.  It's a gift that I gave myself!!!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty because I am happy.  I am grateful to the Almighty because I have made this new life happen, with His help.

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