Thursday, August 8, 2013


I will be going to Westhampton today until next Tuesday.   I have created intentions #49-54 to cover those days.

I will be practicing the to be's.    I realize that his focus will be to upset me and to engage me in negative conversation.  He will try to banter and to gather information that will upset me so that I can be as miserable, upset and discontent as he is.

Obviously, that is not going to happen because I will be on guard.

That is what is meant by practicing the to be's.............

My intention is to be happy, to be aware,  to be content,    to be satisfied, to be joyful, to be able to recognize that I have accomplished a great deal and to be fulfilled with that.  To be aware that I taught my daughters everything that I know and everything that I valued.   To be guilt free if they did not embrace it.

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