Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty about my decision to retire.

I have always heard people say that you will know when you are ready.

I am so ready to retire.

I can handle issues that come along with calm and quiet.

I have many activities that I enjoy and will be able to do.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have made the decision to retire.

Everything is falling into place as a result of it.

It is time to embark on the next adventure in my life.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Monday, April 28, 2014


I really did not want to work forever.

I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me the sign that it is time to leave.

I am thrilled that it is finally happening.

The idea of giving me a homeroom, first and ninth period doesn't sit well with me.   But, I was waiting for a sign to leave.

Thank you, Almighty!!!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for a quiet day.

Speaking my mind to him last night worked today.  

When I came home from yoga, he wasn't there.  He was getting a haircut and walking Home Depot looking for plants.   What ever it was, he wasn't home to annoy me.

I changed to go to Weight Watchers.   I lost .4 which is fine with me.  That's because the weather has changed and I can walk outside.   I picked up DD coffee and came home.  He wasn't there!!!! This enabled me to read both newspaper while I ate breakfast!!!!  Oh, how happy I am!!!

All I said was something to the affect that it's nice to do something you like to do!!!!

I hope this continues!!!!!

If it doesn't, as Reiki people would say,....................JUST FOR TODAY!!!!!

Off to get a manicure/pedicure and read my new book.

Thank you, Almighty for a quiet day!!!!


I am grateful to the Almighty because I spoke my mind in a calm voice yesterday and I got everything off my chest.

I did not expect anything to change between us.  I expected no remorse.  I got none.  However, it helped me to move forward with my own life.   I am very grateful for this.

I did go to services last night because my friend wanted there to be a minyon when he say the Yizkor prayers for his father.   My phone did get updated.  I did get to watch the Netflix film, THE BAD SEED.

Today I am walking early and doing half of my walk before yoga.   My intention is then to go to yoga, Fresh Produce and put gas in the truck.  I will then come home to walk another hour and then go to Weight Watchers.   This afternoon I want to get a manicure/pedicure.   I'm excited!!!!

I did speak to the older and younger ones yesterday.  It was superficial stuff.  One was texting and the other was about schoolwork.  I have become a political animal.

I am finished speaking my thoughts to him, but it has set up ideas for the future.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I continue to evolve into the new me.

I came home yesterday and in a quiet voice, I spoke to him about the status of our married life and let him know that when I retire I will not allow him to abuse me and I will meet his nasty statements with calm and quiet.

I then went to walk outside because it was a beautiful day.

After lighting candles and serving Shabbos dinner,  I finished my book.

This morning we had a time warp Shabbos service.   The cantor wasn't there so that services went very quickly and I was home by 11:30.   I did not have to explain why I was home early as he isn't home!!!!!

I signed up for a Reiki Workshop today.   I hope to walk either indoors or outside depending on the weather.  I will read the newspapers and enjoy the day.

Tonight  I rented a Netflix film.

Thank you, Almighty for this new evolving me.

Later-   The Reiki Workshop was awesome.  I was able to walk for 2 hours today, in between the drops.  I'm going to evening services because a friend asked me to.  He has a Yurtzart for his dad.  I will still watch  THE BAD SEED when I come home.

Friday, April 25, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because in a quiet way I have found my voice.

It is important for him to know that when I retire my intention is to live a joyful life filled with activities that I enjoy.   I know that he will try to upset me.   I know that it won't happen.  I am not the same person that I was.  I just felt the need to express it.

I was proud of me.

Today is Friday.   

I'm excited because I have a wonderful weekend planned.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me to find my voice. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

I so enjoy it!!!

Last night, I attended a wonderful Leslie Yoga Class and I told her how much she has taught me through what she says.

I came home to dinner with him.  All he does is re-live the past and I told him that he needs to find activities in the present.  What I didn't say was that I live in the present and don't want to hear again and again about the past.

I was able after dinner to text friends.  I made dinner plans for next week.   I was able to read my book for the Sisterhood Book Club.

I went to sleep happy and relaxed and grateful to the Almighty for the new me!!!!!

Today I went to my Memory Workshop.   It was an enjoyable experience.  It was amazing also that I walked at school, BUT, the workshop was over early and I was able to walk for another hour outside.  I called friends as I walked.

I came hone to text friends.   I made dinner. 

Tonight, I will read my book.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for my new life which I might add has become my life.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I finally see my life in perspective.

I see how far I have come.  I am delighted with myself.

I got up to go to work today happily.   I was delighted with all of my successes during the Passover holiday.

I couldn't help but look at all the things that I did that I so love.  I went to services, book clubs, yoga classes, reiki classes, new classes, walking and listening to music among other things.............

He was his usual unfriendly self this morning.  I imagine that he was jealous because  I was going to work. However, he makes no attempt to have a life of his own.  His aim is to bully me.  His sadness is that he can't.  It's over.

I celebrated the end of Passover by drinking DD coffee in the car before work.  Butter Pecan is the best.

Today I will attend Leslie's Level 1 class.  I will have salmon and salad for dinner.  I will walk I will read.

I am grateful to the Almighty for His help in letting me see the wonders of my life.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I am so grateful to the Almighty because I have come so far.

Passover was over tonight and so we had to change the house back.  

I had worked very hard this holiday.

There wasn't a compliment around. 

What he did try to do was pick a fight.

I amazed myself because I LET IT GO!!!   IT DIDN'T SERVE ME TO BE ANGRY.

I'm sure this must have upset him a great deal.

What was more amazing was the way in which I have moved forward.  I know him.  I know what he is.  He is background noise.

I'm proud and amazed.

Thank you, Almighty for having faith in me.


I am grateful to the Almighty because today is the last day of Passover and I have had a wonderful holiday.

I let go of that which didn't serve me and as a result I have experienced joy. For example, today I answered the older one's text message which she sent yesterday.  It was a silly text and didn't deserve a quick response.   I have learned to detach and I am happier for it.

I did many wonderful things during this holiday/vacation and each one made my heart soar.

Today I went to services. I was able to chat with all of my friends.  One friend needed advice and I was happy to give it.  Another ordered a book for me at the library.

 After that I attended my book club where we discussed, THE HOUSE SLAVE.  Now I'm putting away Passover things and I'm going to walk for two hours.  How perfect is that????

I have already packed the car for work tomorrow.

Thank you, Almighty for a wonderful holiday. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because this is the seventh day of Passover.

I am getting ready to go to services.

It has been a wonderful holiday.

Today is a beautiful day and I will be able to do so many things that I love.

Thank you, Almighty for this glorious day!!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all of my blessings.

I will not forget that what I so longed for years ago, I now have.  The stillness and quiet are wonderful.  I am able easily, not to answer what he says when I choose not to.  When I share something, which is getting rarer, but if I do, and he makes a snide comment, I never answer.  It comes so easily now.  I have time to do the all the things that I want to do in peace and quiet.  I can appreciate the morning with the woodland creatures waking and making their noises. Best of all, I can make informed decisions that I do not have to explain.  

He gave me the reason for not looking for another condo.  He didn't mean to do this, but sadly for him, he did.  He said that since I don't drive on highways, why would I need a bigger one? I wouldn't be able to get to it.  THERE'S MY REASON!!!!!  I was so grateful.  It was meant to give me anxiety.  It backfired!!!!!

Did I tell you that I received a letter from school thanking me for my exceptional attendance? And I get to go to all my wonderful activities!!!!!

Plans were made yesterday to go out for dinner before the Sisterhood Book Club.  The Fashion Show is coming up.  The Yoga Book Club is meeting soon.  I have a book discussion on Tuesday at the Syosset library.  It is in the afternoon.  You can't beat that!!!!

Late yesterday afternoon after I came back from a wonderful two hour walk, we went to the dog park.  The dog really enjoyed it and I enjoyed playing with him.

I was able to read last night which was a true blessing.  He found a television show to watch and the silence was lovely.

Today I will attend another yoga class.  I will be able to again walk for two hours.  I will be able to read both my book and the newspapers.  The dog is going for a grooming.  I may be able to get some color.  I will also use my new George Foreman Grill to make a swordfish dinner.

I am also going to bring down some Passover items that I don't need upstairs anymore.  The holiday is coming to an end.

I have joy.  I have energy.  I will have a good day.

Thank you, Almighty for my blessings.

Later!!!  Because there is stillness in my life, everything gets done.  Would you believe that I also got to watch a NETFLIX film called,  THE BEAST OF THE SOUTHERN WILD in the evening???

Saturday, April 19, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because today is the Sabbath.

I am a new person.  I have had a wonderful week doing wonderful things.   I was able to walk two hours every day.  I was able to read.   I went to a wonderful variety of yoga classes.  I relaxed.  I watched the finale of PARENTHOOD.  The list could go on and on...............

I let go of things that I no longer needed.  I detached from them and moved forward using flexibility and adaptability.   I am proud of myself.

Today I went to services as did my many friends.   I was so happy to see them and to chat with them.  I'm going to read The NY Times and then walk for two hours on a beautiful day.

My hope is to take the dog to the park and then to read my book.

It has been a wonderful week.  I don't react to anything that I choose not to and as a result I have so much more time.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this beautiful Sabbath.

Friday, April 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am truly happy.

He sent me yoga and through that I learned to look at my very own life and appreciate it completely.   I learned to let things go that didn't serve me.  I learned to detach.  I learned to be flexible and to adapt to make my life richer.  I learned when stillness and quiet were appropriate.

I am seeing the results as I move through this Passover week.   Every day I do something to make my heart soar.  If anyone makes a comment to upset me or does something to upset me,  I move on enjoying my own life and detach from that person.

Yesterday, I took an amazing Breathing and Meditation class.  I had only taken this once before. I shall do it again.

I was able to walk to my friend's house to deliver the money for the Sisterhood Fashion Show.  I loved walking for 2 hours.

I was able to watch the finale of Parenthood as well as to enjoy my book for the Sisterhood Book Club.

I am able to do all these things because I don't react to that which doesn't serve me nor do I discuss it.  This gives me a great deal more time in which to enjoy m life. 

Today, I will take 2 yoga classes,  Restorative and a Level 1 class.   I will walk.  I will read.  I will do some shopping.

Tonight is the Sabbath and I have a lot to be grateful for.

Thank you, Almighty.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my wonderful Passover vacation.

I did take my LEVEL 1 Yoga class last night.  It was amazing.  We worked on strengthening our glut muscles.   Leslie spoke of using our yoga practice to become more flexible and adaptable in our poses and in the real world. 

I realized that I have been doing this and the result is a changed me.   I came home last night and made dinner.  I realized that I have truly detached from those that don't serve me.   I have no positive emotions about either daughter or him.   He has been decent enough this week,  however his behaviors in the past have destroyed anything that I ever felt about him.  It is safer that way.  He is a handy man to have around while I pursue my life.   I lived in the present and move forward.

I started the new book that I had downloaded yesterday.  Leslie and I agreed that our book was terrible, but this new one,  Z,  for the Sisterhood Book Club seems to be a great deal better.

We watched a film called,  Enough Said,  last night.  The characters in the film were sad when their daughters went off to college.  I cannot begin to explain how thrilled I was.  They had given me a miserable life and I was glad that that part was over.  That was not hitting a benchmark I realize now.

Today I will take a Gentle Yoga Class/ Meditation and do some errands.  I will read my book and the newspapers. Of course, I will walk.   I would like to get to the mall.   

The day is out there fore me to enjoy!!!

Let it begin!!

Thank you,  Almighty for my wonderful Passover vacation.

Later-   OMG!!!!  IT WAS AN AMAZING EVENING!!!!  We purchased another George Forman Grill since my Passover one died!!!!  We went to Bed and Bath in Plainview.  They didn't have one and we went to the one in Huntington.  All the while he made comments to give me anxiety and I LET IT GO!!!  We went to buy me a Mother's Day gift also.   All the while the comments flew and I LET IT GO!!!!!   I'm proud of my accomplishments.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because my Passover vacation has begun!!!!

THE SEDERS ARE OVER!!!  The older arrogant one came to the seder with her equally arrogant boyfriend.  I need not say more.   The younger one kissed up to the older one as I knew she would.  The younger one was quite different at this seder than at the first one.    Neither one offered to assist serving and they let their father with all his conditions assist me. The older one brought only one bottle of wine to drink and then made fun of the wine that I served!!!

What did I do with all of this???  I LET IT GO!!!!  I DETACHED!!!!

And it's over!!!!

I am not going to services today.  I didn't go yesterday.  I didn't want to discuss the seders with my synagogue friends.   I needed to LET IT GO!!!  I need to DETACH!!!!

Today, I am going to REIKI and later in the evening, I will go to a LEVEL 1 YOGA class.

I have to stop at the cleaning store as they gave me the wrong ticket price.

I will download a new book from AMAZON for the Sisterhood Book Club.

Life goes on!!!!  MY vacation begins!!!!

Thank you, Almighty!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty that the first seder is over.

I really enjoyed it.  It went very well.  Everyone cooperated.  My younger daughter remembers a lot that I have taught her and I am very proud.  She suggested that we sit closer and we did.  She noticed that I hadn't put salt in the salt water and motioned to me for the salt shaker.  She sang all the songs.  The dog joined in.  The dinner was delicious!!  She asked for the seder not to have as much English and I had already decided as much!!!

Tonight is the second seder.  The older one will come with her boyfriend, and the dynamic will change.  However, I have detached from this person, so it doesn't matter.  I have let it go.

I'm not attending services today or tomorrow.  I always feel that I have facilitated not one but two seders and that is al I want to do.

I will read my book for the Yoga Book Club.   I will walk at Home Depot as it is raining today.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my first seder accomplishment and I know that by tomorrow my vacation will begin.

On to the second seder.............................

Monday, April 14, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day!!!!

Tonight is the first seder.  There will be three of us and the dog.  My younger daughter is coming.  The older daughter is going to the boyfriend, a family that does not observe the holiday.  

We will have a wonderful time tonight.  I have decided to LET IT GO! and become unattached from this daughter.  She has given me nothing but misery and tears for years and it is time to move on.

This morning was amazing.  I straightened up and then we burned the chamatz.  He has behaved himself so far, but that doesn't mean that I am building castles in the sky.  I am a realist.

I walked for two hours on a beautiful day.  Then I took a LEVEL 1 Yoga class with Leslie. I learned that in the face of adversity, we must DETACH OURSELVES FROM THAT WHICH DOESN'T SERVE US.  That is exactly what I am doing with the older one.

I brought coats into the cleaner to be stored until Winter and I took out my Spring jackets.  I returned a book to the library.  I read both newspapers and read my book

I set up a delicious dinner for tonight.  We are having salmon and grilled asparagus and of course a salad.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day!!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the life He has given me.

I will enjoy each moment of my life.

Today, I will go to yoga.  I am also going to Fresh Produce, putting gas in my truck and heading to Dunkin' Donuts.

I will read my book.  I'm not loving in but I'm reading it for the Yoga Book Club.  I will walk.

I'm going to continue my Passover preparations.  Tomorrow is the first seder.  Only the younger one is coming.  It is with joy that I approach this holiday.

Let it go!!!   Let it go!!!! Let it go!!!!!

Thank you, almighty for the life that you gave me.  I'm loving it!!!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have made it to  Passover vacation.

I have eleven days off and my intention is to enjoy each one of them.

I am NOT going to services until next week.  The Triad will be together with him and the arrogant boyfriend  for the second seder.   The younger one is coming for the first.  If my synagogue friends don't see me, then I can't be asked any questions.  I want to LET GO of the seders ASAP.

I will enjoy today.  I will continue my Passover preparations.  I will read and walk later.

I am so excited to have this vacation.   I am exhausted.

Although it will start by seeing them, it is only for a few hours.  Then it is over.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Friday, April 11, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because this is the last day of work before the Passover/Easter break.

I will have a vacation.

I truly feel like I made it through the rain.   I know exactly what to do in order to keep myself safe and healthy.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I made it through the rain.  I am grateful that I am able to enjoy a vacation!!!

Thank you, Almighty!!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I made it through the rain.

I heard the Barry Manilow song on the radio coming in to work today and I realized that I have made it through the rain.

I am a different person.   I have a different life.  I am joyful.

The story of going to Duck Walk proves this.  I didn't want to give up my life to go out East for Mother's Day.   I thought about it.  I brought up the e-mail that I received from Duck Walk. However, in the end, I didn't want to give up my yoga class, my Fresh Produce, walking, getting gas, Dunkin' Donuts, reading the paper.......these are things that I treasure.  I have made a life for myself.

Yesterday, I was told that next year, I will be getting a new office.   I was delighted as the location of the new office is better.  I can sift through things in this office that I no longer need and let go of them.  How yogic is that?????

I was able to walk and read last night.

I attended my LEVEL 1 Yoga class with Leslie last night.   It was awesome.  We went to dinner. 

Today, I will begin to let go of items in my office that I no longer need.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I made it through the rain.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the life that I made for myself.

It's a life that I enjoy and I find that I don't want to make changes in it.

I fully enjoyed dinner last night.  I loved my book discussion.  I asked him to come to the discussion because we are preparing for Passover and we have been doing dinner together.  He didn't like it and I wan't surprised.  He doesn't want to attend the next one and I wasn't surprised at all.   How far I have come!!!

I had an idea for Mother's Day for the two of us but it involved giving up yoga that Sunday.  As I thought about my Sunday routine,  I realized that I didn't want to give up any of it.   I unthought the idea and moved on.  

I'm very proud of me.  I've come so far and I don't believe how happy I am.

Tonight, I will attend m LEVEL 1 yoga class with Leslie and then have dinner in the diner.  

That's my life and I am beyond happy.

Thank you, Almighty for the life that I have made.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.

My intention today is to let go of that which isn't necessary for my health.  

Yesterday, I was too intense about working.   Today I will have a much more relaxed attitude. I also need to start thinking about the positive aspects of retirement and not dwell on the negative ones.  I need to let the sharp remarks of colleagues roll off my back.  I need to move forward from personal disappointments and celebrate my life.

Today, I will be grateful for my life.  I will celebrate the positive things about it and move forward.

I have begun again to watch my weight. 

Tonight I will go out to dinner and I will attend a book discussion on the historical novel,  FEVER.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.

Monday, April 7, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me create a daily mantra that I can live by.

I say many mantras in the morning, however, saying, LET IT GO!!!!  CHOOSE INNER PEACE has helped me have the best weekend that I have had in a long, long time.

The conversation that I had with my friend during services where we spoke of being disappointed with our children really helped me to solidify my feelings about not just the two children, but the three of them.

Being disappointed does not have to destroy my life.  I just have to LET IT GO!!!  I was surprised that when I did that all weekend, I did have INNER PEACE.  Nothing that anyone did, said or didn't say bothered me in the least.  I never even listened to what they said.

I woke up happy and calm on a Monday morning!!!  I am not exhausted at all.   I have a student to work with first period and that is fine.

I will walk today.  I will read.  We will go out to dinner because of the Passover preparations and the conversation will be light and I will be in control.


Thank you, Almighty for helping me to create this new mantra.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for finally buying into the realizations that were right before my eyes!!!

I sat next to my friend at services yesterday.  We started to talk about the disappointments with our children.   I realized that I will not continue to beat myself up for the disrespect that my children have shown me.  I can feel it.  It can upset me.  However, it will not stop me from moving forward.  Since I don't have a spouse that I can talk to,  it was wonderful to hear my same feelings from someone else!!!

I walked yesterday for two hours.   I came home to have dinner and to continue my Passover preparations.  I read my book and listened to music.

All the while, I was thinking of my new mantra.  Although, I will continue to say my old mantras, this is the one that will define me:


This mantra will define my life and help me to be happy!!!!!  I did the best that I could bringing them up.  I am disappointed.   However, this will not control the rest of my life which I intend to enjoy.

Today, I will attend my yoga class.   I will continue with my Passover preparations.  I will walk.  I will read.  I will go out to dinner.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I have finally realized in words what has been bothering me about bringing them up.  I can now move on.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this realization.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty, on this Sabbath, for my very own life.

Everything worked out at work yesterday.  The district that I wrote goals for accepted them.  The young lady that I will teach first period is lovely.  After that discussion with him,  retirement is out of the question for now.

Yesterday, before the Sabbath, I had a beautiful manicure done celebrating Spring.  It is white with flowers on three fingers.  I finished my book for the Syosset Book Club.   I also began one for the afternoon Syosset Book Club.  I downloaded a book for the Yoga Book Club.  I am set with reading for a while.  I was able to do a wash and also to watch the latest episode of PARENTHOOD on the computer.   All of this was done before lighting candles except for the television show that I watched before I went to bed.

Today, I went to services.  The Rabbi spoke of rebuilding your home and my friends looked at me because I have rebuilt my life.  I'm very proud of me.

I will be spending time today setting up for Passover.   Later I hope to walk.  My intention today is to experience joy.  I am going to make sure that nothing and no one gets in the way of that.

Thank you, Almighty, for giving me my very own life.

Friday, April 4, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have all the information necessary to make informed decisions.

I had an absolutely crazy day at work yesterday.   I was seriously thinking of retirement.   I went to get my hair colored and blown out.  I decided to ask him to tell me the truth.  Would it be safe for me to retire with him in the house after all that he has done to me????  He refused to admit that he had done anything.  He was leaving he told me.  Of course, he never left.

I watched the entire performance, enjoying it because it gave me valuable information.  I can wait to retire, or if I decide to, I know exactly what to expect.   My life will continue just as it has, BUT, if I retire, I know that there will be confrontations that I won't answer.  Knowing this,  I can move forward with the decision making process.   I was very happy.

Today is Friday.  As is my custom, I reviewed the week.   I enjoyed it.  I was able to attend my Restorative Yoga class.   I went to dinner with a friend before the Sisterhood Book Club.   I had my hair colored and blown out.    I went to dinner with him after my information gathering.

I have gained 4 pounds.  It's time to diet again!!!!!!

Today, I'm going for a manicure before Sabbath.   I hope to watch PARENTHOOD tonight and read my book.

I am grateful to the Almighty that I received valuable information to be able to make informed decisions.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I know how to set goals for myself.

I need to work on not being so upset in the morning when I get up.  It's an emotional time for me.  Even though I say my mantras, intellect has not kicked in and it's hard to give up my old dreams.  Once I'm fully awake, the moment passes.

He knows nothing about this.  I have to smile because he also knows nothing about my life.   In this respect, I have definitely achieved success.

I hope to make this new goal happen.   It will take time.

I am grateful for being able to set new goals for myself.

Thank you, Almighty.


I am grateful to the Almighty for the things that I have accomplished in life.

I am grateful that I am letting go of my old dreams and creating inner peace for myself.

Last night, I went to dinner with a good friend and had a wonderful time.  Another friend joined us later.   I had a wonderful time at the Sisterhood Book Club too.

I came home to read my book for the Syosset Book Club which is next Tuesday.

This morning it was beautiful and I put the dog on the deck.  He was delighted.

Today, I'm going to get my hair colored and cut or blown out.  I like the way it's growing, so I may just do a blowout.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my life as well as my accomplishments.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for what I heard Dawn say in Restorative Yoga last night.

The philosophy of yoga is beautiful.  It has kept me afloat for the last four years and I hope it will continue to do so.  

Last night Dawn said, " LET IT GO!!!!   CHOOSE PEACE!!!!"   That made wonderful sense to me.  I really heard it.  It will be the philosophy that I use with everyone in my life.

I am so grateful that I went to yoga last night.

Tonight,  I'm having dinner with a friend and attending the Sisterhood Book Club.  Each day I try to do something that will make my heart soar.

I am grateful to the Almighty for encouraging me to attend my Restorative Yoga Class last night.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all of my blessings.

As I walked from my truck into the school,  I noticed the beauty of the day and was grateful to the Almighty because I believe that Spring has finally arrived.

I feel blessed because I have overcome all of my adversaries.  I have learned how to handle myself around them and that is a blessing.   It is not hard to let go of them.  The hardest part is that they are always in my face.  I have learned how to let go of him.  The daughters are a bit harder because I gave birth to them.  However, I will succeed, but at a slower pace.  I will have to be more grounded and aware of what I am thinking.  However, I am in charge of my mind.  It is not in charge of me. I will just remind myself of this if my mind gets caught wandering.

I am reading a wonderful book for next week's book discussion.   Last night, I firmed up dinner plans before the Sisterhood Book Club.  I also spoke to another friend about our television show, Parenthood.

Tonight, I have a Restorative Yoga Class.

I am grateful to the Almighty for all of my blessings.