Thursday, April 17, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my wonderful Passover vacation.

I did take my LEVEL 1 Yoga class last night.  It was amazing.  We worked on strengthening our glut muscles.   Leslie spoke of using our yoga practice to become more flexible and adaptable in our poses and in the real world. 

I realized that I have been doing this and the result is a changed me.   I came home last night and made dinner.  I realized that I have truly detached from those that don't serve me.   I have no positive emotions about either daughter or him.   He has been decent enough this week,  however his behaviors in the past have destroyed anything that I ever felt about him.  It is safer that way.  He is a handy man to have around while I pursue my life.   I lived in the present and move forward.

I started the new book that I had downloaded yesterday.  Leslie and I agreed that our book was terrible, but this new one,  Z,  for the Sisterhood Book Club seems to be a great deal better.

We watched a film called,  Enough Said,  last night.  The characters in the film were sad when their daughters went off to college.  I cannot begin to explain how thrilled I was.  They had given me a miserable life and I was glad that that part was over.  That was not hitting a benchmark I realize now.

Today I will take a Gentle Yoga Class/ Meditation and do some errands.  I will read my book and the newspapers. Of course, I will walk.   I would like to get to the mall.   

The day is out there fore me to enjoy!!!

Let it begin!!

Thank you,  Almighty for my wonderful Passover vacation.

Later-   OMG!!!!  IT WAS AN AMAZING EVENING!!!!  We purchased another George Forman Grill since my Passover one died!!!!  We went to Bed and Bath in Plainview.  They didn't have one and we went to the one in Huntington.  All the while he made comments to give me anxiety and I LET IT GO!!!  We went to buy me a Mother's Day gift also.   All the while the comments flew and I LET IT GO!!!!!   I'm proud of my accomplishments.

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