Friday, April 4, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have all the information necessary to make informed decisions.

I had an absolutely crazy day at work yesterday.   I was seriously thinking of retirement.   I went to get my hair colored and blown out.  I decided to ask him to tell me the truth.  Would it be safe for me to retire with him in the house after all that he has done to me????  He refused to admit that he had done anything.  He was leaving he told me.  Of course, he never left.

I watched the entire performance, enjoying it because it gave me valuable information.  I can wait to retire, or if I decide to, I know exactly what to expect.   My life will continue just as it has, BUT, if I retire, I know that there will be confrontations that I won't answer.  Knowing this,  I can move forward with the decision making process.   I was very happy.

Today is Friday.  As is my custom, I reviewed the week.   I enjoyed it.  I was able to attend my Restorative Yoga class.   I went to dinner with a friend before the Sisterhood Book Club.   I had my hair colored and blown out.    I went to dinner with him after my information gathering.

I have gained 4 pounds.  It's time to diet again!!!!!!

Today, I'm going for a manicure before Sabbath.   I hope to watch PARENTHOOD tonight and read my book.

I am grateful to the Almighty that I received valuable information to be able to make informed decisions.

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