Saturday, April 12, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have made it to  Passover vacation.

I have eleven days off and my intention is to enjoy each one of them.

I am NOT going to services until next week.  The Triad will be together with him and the arrogant boyfriend  for the second seder.   The younger one is coming for the first.  If my synagogue friends don't see me, then I can't be asked any questions.  I want to LET GO of the seders ASAP.

I will enjoy today.  I will continue my Passover preparations.  I will read and walk later.

I am so excited to have this vacation.   I am exhausted.

Although it will start by seeing them, it is only for a few hours.  Then it is over.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

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