Saturday, April 26, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I continue to evolve into the new me.

I came home yesterday and in a quiet voice, I spoke to him about the status of our married life and let him know that when I retire I will not allow him to abuse me and I will meet his nasty statements with calm and quiet.

I then went to walk outside because it was a beautiful day.

After lighting candles and serving Shabbos dinner,  I finished my book.

This morning we had a time warp Shabbos service.   The cantor wasn't there so that services went very quickly and I was home by 11:30.   I did not have to explain why I was home early as he isn't home!!!!!

I signed up for a Reiki Workshop today.   I hope to walk either indoors or outside depending on the weather.  I will read the newspapers and enjoy the day.

Tonight  I rented a Netflix film.

Thank you, Almighty for this new evolving me.

Later-   The Reiki Workshop was awesome.  I was able to walk for 2 hours today, in between the drops.  I'm going to evening services because a friend asked me to.  He has a Yurtzart for his dad.  I will still watch  THE BAD SEED when I come home.

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