Sunday, April 6, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for finally buying into the realizations that were right before my eyes!!!

I sat next to my friend at services yesterday.  We started to talk about the disappointments with our children.   I realized that I will not continue to beat myself up for the disrespect that my children have shown me.  I can feel it.  It can upset me.  However, it will not stop me from moving forward.  Since I don't have a spouse that I can talk to,  it was wonderful to hear my same feelings from someone else!!!

I walked yesterday for two hours.   I came home to have dinner and to continue my Passover preparations.  I read my book and listened to music.

All the while, I was thinking of my new mantra.  Although, I will continue to say my old mantras, this is the one that will define me:


This mantra will define my life and help me to be happy!!!!!  I did the best that I could bringing them up.  I am disappointed.   However, this will not control the rest of my life which I intend to enjoy.

Today, I will attend my yoga class.   I will continue with my Passover preparations.  I will walk.  I will read.  I will go out to dinner.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I have finally realized in words what has been bothering me about bringing them up.  I can now move on.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this realization.

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