Monday, April 14, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day!!!!

Tonight is the first seder.  There will be three of us and the dog.  My younger daughter is coming.  The older daughter is going to the boyfriend, a family that does not observe the holiday.  

We will have a wonderful time tonight.  I have decided to LET IT GO! and become unattached from this daughter.  She has given me nothing but misery and tears for years and it is time to move on.

This morning was amazing.  I straightened up and then we burned the chamatz.  He has behaved himself so far, but that doesn't mean that I am building castles in the sky.  I am a realist.

I walked for two hours on a beautiful day.  Then I took a LEVEL 1 Yoga class with Leslie. I learned that in the face of adversity, we must DETACH OURSELVES FROM THAT WHICH DOESN'T SERVE US.  That is exactly what I am doing with the older one.

I brought coats into the cleaner to be stored until Winter and I took out my Spring jackets.  I returned a book to the library.  I read both newspapers and read my book

I set up a delicious dinner for tonight.  We are having salmon and grilled asparagus and of course a salad.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day!!!!!

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