Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because my Passover vacation has begun!!!!

THE SEDERS ARE OVER!!!  The older arrogant one came to the seder with her equally arrogant boyfriend.  I need not say more.   The younger one kissed up to the older one as I knew she would.  The younger one was quite different at this seder than at the first one.    Neither one offered to assist serving and they let their father with all his conditions assist me. The older one brought only one bottle of wine to drink and then made fun of the wine that I served!!!

What did I do with all of this???  I LET IT GO!!!!  I DETACHED!!!!

And it's over!!!!

I am not going to services today.  I didn't go yesterday.  I didn't want to discuss the seders with my synagogue friends.   I needed to LET IT GO!!!  I need to DETACH!!!!

Today, I am going to REIKI and later in the evening, I will go to a LEVEL 1 YOGA class.

I have to stop at the cleaning store as they gave me the wrong ticket price.

I will download a new book from AMAZON for the Sisterhood Book Club.

Life goes on!!!!  MY vacation begins!!!!

Thank you, Almighty!!!!

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