Sunday, April 27, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I spoke my mind in a calm voice yesterday and I got everything off my chest.

I did not expect anything to change between us.  I expected no remorse.  I got none.  However, it helped me to move forward with my own life.   I am very grateful for this.

I did go to services last night because my friend wanted there to be a minyon when he say the Yizkor prayers for his father.   My phone did get updated.  I did get to watch the Netflix film, THE BAD SEED.

Today I am walking early and doing half of my walk before yoga.   My intention is then to go to yoga, Fresh Produce and put gas in the truck.  I will then come home to walk another hour and then go to Weight Watchers.   This afternoon I want to get a manicure/pedicure.   I'm excited!!!!

I did speak to the older and younger ones yesterday.  It was superficial stuff.  One was texting and the other was about schoolwork.  I have become a political animal.

I am finished speaking my thoughts to him, but it has set up ideas for the future.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

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