Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because today is the last day of Passover and I have had a wonderful holiday.

I let go of that which didn't serve me and as a result I have experienced joy. For example, today I answered the older one's text message which she sent yesterday.  It was a silly text and didn't deserve a quick response.   I have learned to detach and I am happier for it.

I did many wonderful things during this holiday/vacation and each one made my heart soar.

Today I went to services. I was able to chat with all of my friends.  One friend needed advice and I was happy to give it.  Another ordered a book for me at the library.

 After that I attended my book club where we discussed, THE HOUSE SLAVE.  Now I'm putting away Passover things and I'm going to walk for two hours.  How perfect is that????

I have already packed the car for work tomorrow.

Thank you, Almighty for a wonderful holiday. 

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