Monday, April 7, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me create a daily mantra that I can live by.

I say many mantras in the morning, however, saying, LET IT GO!!!!  CHOOSE INNER PEACE has helped me have the best weekend that I have had in a long, long time.

The conversation that I had with my friend during services where we spoke of being disappointed with our children really helped me to solidify my feelings about not just the two children, but the three of them.

Being disappointed does not have to destroy my life.  I just have to LET IT GO!!!  I was surprised that when I did that all weekend, I did have INNER PEACE.  Nothing that anyone did, said or didn't say bothered me in the least.  I never even listened to what they said.

I woke up happy and calm on a Monday morning!!!  I am not exhausted at all.   I have a student to work with first period and that is fine.

I will walk today.  I will read.  We will go out to dinner because of the Passover preparations and the conversation will be light and I will be in control.


Thank you, Almighty for helping me to create this new mantra.

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