Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I finally see my life in perspective.

I see how far I have come.  I am delighted with myself.

I got up to go to work today happily.   I was delighted with all of my successes during the Passover holiday.

I couldn't help but look at all the things that I did that I so love.  I went to services, book clubs, yoga classes, reiki classes, new classes, walking and listening to music among other things.............

He was his usual unfriendly self this morning.  I imagine that he was jealous because  I was going to work. However, he makes no attempt to have a life of his own.  His aim is to bully me.  His sadness is that he can't.  It's over.

I celebrated the end of Passover by drinking DD coffee in the car before work.  Butter Pecan is the best.

Today I will attend Leslie's Level 1 class.  I will have salmon and salad for dinner.  I will walk I will read.

I am grateful to the Almighty for His help in letting me see the wonders of my life.

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