Saturday, April 5, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty, on this Sabbath, for my very own life.

Everything worked out at work yesterday.  The district that I wrote goals for accepted them.  The young lady that I will teach first period is lovely.  After that discussion with him,  retirement is out of the question for now.

Yesterday, before the Sabbath, I had a beautiful manicure done celebrating Spring.  It is white with flowers on three fingers.  I finished my book for the Syosset Book Club.   I also began one for the afternoon Syosset Book Club.  I downloaded a book for the Yoga Book Club.  I am set with reading for a while.  I was able to do a wash and also to watch the latest episode of PARENTHOOD on the computer.   All of this was done before lighting candles except for the television show that I watched before I went to bed.

Today, I went to services.  The Rabbi spoke of rebuilding your home and my friends looked at me because I have rebuilt my life.  I'm very proud of me.

I will be spending time today setting up for Passover.   Later I hope to walk.  My intention today is to experience joy.  I am going to make sure that nothing and no one gets in the way of that.

Thank you, Almighty, for giving me my very own life.

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