Friday, April 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am truly happy.

He sent me yoga and through that I learned to look at my very own life and appreciate it completely.   I learned to let things go that didn't serve me.  I learned to detach.  I learned to be flexible and to adapt to make my life richer.  I learned when stillness and quiet were appropriate.

I am seeing the results as I move through this Passover week.   Every day I do something to make my heart soar.  If anyone makes a comment to upset me or does something to upset me,  I move on enjoying my own life and detach from that person.

Yesterday, I took an amazing Breathing and Meditation class.  I had only taken this once before. I shall do it again.

I was able to walk to my friend's house to deliver the money for the Sisterhood Fashion Show.  I loved walking for 2 hours.

I was able to watch the finale of Parenthood as well as to enjoy my book for the Sisterhood Book Club.

I am able to do all these things because I don't react to that which doesn't serve me nor do I discuss it.  This gives me a great deal more time in which to enjoy m life. 

Today, I will take 2 yoga classes,  Restorative and a Level 1 class.   I will walk.  I will read.  I will do some shopping.

Tonight is the Sabbath and I have a lot to be grateful for.

Thank you, Almighty.

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