Sunday, December 22, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this day.

I have my health.  I am happy.  That's all that I ask for.

Last nights film was excellent.   Tonight I hope to see another one after dinner.  I am already making the spaghetti squash for dinner with tuna.

I am going to a Level 1 yoga class this morning.  I am very excited.  After that I have some chores to do.  The weather is really foggy, but I hope to walk today.  Later in the afternoon, I'm going for a mani/pedi.  I'm excited.  I will bring my book with me to read during the pedicure.

I am calm, cool and collected, a master of nonsense conversation and that is what is needed at this point.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this new day.

Later!!!  The day was a huge success.  The power of quiet is amazing.   I had so much fun. Tonight I'm making tuna for dinner and then hope to see another film.

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