Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty, because as I said my mantras this morning, I was grateful for my new life.

I must be careful in this holiday season, not to get upset at the life that I didn't have.  The life that I do have has a great deal of joy in it and for this I am thankful.

Yesterday, I went to a Restorative Yoga Class where Dawn spoke of being compassionate with oneself.  How many times have I heard that I am hard on myself????

I then went to my Sisterhood meeting where friends were happy to see me.  I was happy to be there too.  How long did it take after those girls left for me to be recognized in the synagogue?  They are history now and that has made my heart soar.

Today, I have my private yoga lesson and I'm looking forward to reading my book for the Sisterhood Book Club.

Hopefully my checkup will be a good one with the help of the Almighty.

It was no fun going on vacation with him if I am to be honest with myself.  It is better to have a stay-cation where I can enjoy the things that I love.

Interestingly enough, I looked back on old entries from last year.  I have noticed that I would say things to him in a non-emotional, non-judgemental way.   He then had the opportunity to carry on.    I NOTICE THAT I DISCUSS NOTHING!!!!  I COMMENT ON NOTHING!!! I'VE LEARNED TO DO THIS AND I'M HAPPY!!!!!

I went to a wonderful private lesson with Leslie.  She spoke about having inner peace during the season.  I believe that that is going to be my intention for tomorrow.  It is important to remember that especially with this group.

Thank you Almighty for my new life and helping me to realize its joys.

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