Monday, December 30, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I find myself looking ahead to the future with a smile.  That has not happened in a very long time.

I walked for two hours on a cold and chilly December morning.

Then I took Leslie's Level 1 Yoga class.  Just like last year, she told us not to make New Year Resolutions because that showed what you were not capable of doing.  She spoke about choosing a word that you could work on throughout the year.

I chose the word AUTHENTIC!!!!   This is who I am.  As Leslie said, when you peel away the layers, this is who you are.  One is to think of their word in the morning and the last thing that they do before they go to sleep.

I had breakfast with him and again it was a pleasant experience.  I told him that I probably will retire in June.   It's time.   I have no fears.  I know exactly how to handle myself in the face of his adversity.

It was then off to the cleaning store.  Then I went to purchase new towels.  My aim is to redo the linen closet tomorrow.  I also went to the library.

At home, I drank DD and read the newspapers.   The mail was looked at.  The puppy is going to the doctor shortly as he has a rash that I would like looked at.   

This evening, I will make dinner and finish my book for the Yoga Book Club.

UPDATE-   The puppy went to the doctor and yes, he does have a rash and received medication for it,  He also has an ear infection and the doctor put a patch in his ear and he has to go back on Monday, January 6th.    I am proud to say that I completed my linen closet project.  I also finished my book for the yoga book club.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I am looking to the future.

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