Sunday, December 15, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my emotional intelligence.

For years, I did not understand all the pieces of the puzzle that were presented to me OR I lived in a dream-state that prevented me from understanding.

Now that I know what I'm up against, I'm very proud of my emotional intelligence.

I shoveled the driveway four times yesterday. I was proud of myself, but was met with sarcastic comments each time.   I made a delicious dinner, but was greeted with negative comments.  This morning I mentioned that I was leaving to attend an early yoga class and was greeted with another sarcastic remark.  How did I handle this??   I could have answered back but that would have taken me on a road that I didn't want to be on.  I answered with silence.  With him, I feel it is the best way to shut him down.

Today, I'm excited to take a new yoga class at an earlier time.  I will walk later when the sun is out.  I will be able to because the snow melted.  I hope to get DD coffee, read the papers and my wonderful book for the yoga book club.

I will let you know later how the day came together.........................

The day has been beautiful!!!!  I loved the new yoga class.  I am now a Level 1 student.  I was able to walk for 2 hours because the snow had melted.  I was careful though.  I gassed up the truck, bought DD coffee and was in for the surprise of my life to discover that he wasn't home.  I was able to enjoy the stillness, read the papers with my DD coffee and now I'm off to finish wrapping Christmas gifts that I will bring to work tomorrow.  I can't believe my luck.

More later..............................................................

He arrived home with a vacuum cleaner,  having walked around around a store that he wants to show me.  He didn't ask what I had done and I didn't volunteer information.  I packed the ruck up with my school books and presents before he came home.

When he arrived, I was reading my book for the yoga book club.  I changed my private yoga lesson from Wednesday to tomorrow because Wednesday is my doctor checkup.  I hope all is fine.  I don't need something else to worry about.

Back to the book and to a quiet evening.

Thank you, Almighty for emotional intelligence that has made this possible.

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