Saturday, December 21, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because this is my first day of vacation.

I was able to attend services where I met up with my synagogue friends.

Now I'm going to take my walk.

I'm going to a wonderful Restorative Yoga Workshop this afternoon.  I'm very excited.

It is possible that I will see a film with him tonight.  We will see.

I am being quiet, calm and very cool and enjoying my vacation.

Later:   I walked for 1 hour and 20 minutes and then I was off to a wonderful Restorative Yoga workshop.   I stopped off for DD coffee on the way home. I was able to read my book.  I'm getting really good at nonsense conversation at dinner.  This time we discussed the fire department and the way it celebrates the Christmas holiday in town.   Now it's off to see a film.

Thank you, Almighty for this wonderful day.  I am grateful to you!!!

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