Saturday, December 7, 2013


I cannot begin to thank the Almighty enough for giving me the Sabbath.

Services were wonderful.  The presentation today on the sandwich generation aging was interesting.  It is a lot of fun connecting with my friends.  This week the Sisterhood is doing a Sangria and Bingo which I am attending with some friends.  On Thursday, I'm going to a Memory Class that I wanted to join and then out to dinner.  These are new things that I look forward to.

I'm going to walk later.  It is cold and I will be wearing my thermals.

I have re-done our plans to not include dinner and to go to a later movie.  He has decided to"control" me by doing the silent treatment.  The game is that I'm supposed to ask, "why" so that we can be off and running.  What a waste of my time!!!!! But, it means that I can eat at home, which is better for my weight.

Thank you, Almighty for a beautiful Sabbath and for the wisdom to enjoy it.

LATE UPDATE:   I did it!   I walked on this cold day.   I read the newspapers, worked on computer, did the mail and laundry.  I'm almost done with a wonderful book.   He practiced his "semi-silent treatment" all day.  I didn't react at all.  THIS IS A FIRST FOR ME.  At dinner, he said that I didn't let him watch the end of Frosty the Snowman with me.   I didn't react at all.  I just announced that I went to sleep afterwards, which I did.  And it was over!!!  BUT, I WON FOR THE SECOND TIME THIS WEEKEND.  THE FIRST WAS A "CONDO" THAT I CHOSE NOT TO DISCUSS.

What a great day.  Dinner was at home and now we will go out to see a film.

Thank you Almighty for my strength and fortitude!!!

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