Sunday, December 1, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this day.

It is Sunday.   Tomorrow I return to work.

It has ben a marvelous vacation because I have learned how to create a new life for myself.

For example, yesterday, he wanted to start something, but I walked out of the room and today can't or won't remember what it was.

We saw a film last night that was enjoyable.

Today I walked for 2 hours on a cold, crisp, clear day, thanking the Almighty that I was healthy enough to do this.  I took my yoga class.

I then did some errands.  I put gas in the truck and headed down to Weight Watchers for my December weigh in.  I weigh exactly the same.

I texted the older one.

I came home to Newsday, The N.Y. Times and DD coffee.  What could be better???

Now I'm off with him to take the doggie for a grooming and to Fresh Produce.   

After that, it's a manicure!!!!!

I hope to heave dinner out tonight.

It's a wonderful day and I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

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