Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I overcame my fear of driving in the snow this morning!!!!

I drove myself to work.  I decided that there wasn't much snow coming down and it was time to be brave.  I bought DD coffee and here I am at work.

I imagine that I will have him drive me to the book club tonight since it will ice over.  I will put on my act and be fine.  I told him that he could not attend the discussion since he didn't read the book.  I said that it was a shame that he didn't read because these books are not like Great Books.  He told me that when he promised to read, he didn't mean it.  ANOTHER LIE TOLD!!! I did not react at all.

Last night, I had a private lesson with Leslie and really enjoyed it.

I went to the library to get yet another book.  I am experimenting with all kinds of book clubs. I made tofu for dinner.  Then I read Goldfinch for the Yoga Book Club

I'm proud of me.

Thank you, Almighty, for helping me to overcome fear.

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