Monday, December 9, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I can smile in the face of adversity.

It is quickly approaching 17 months since he did that horrific thing to me.   He is looking forward to doing something else.  He is trying very hard to upset me so that I react.  However, he keeps getting my calm and quiet voice.  This is not what he wants.  He tried silence and that didn't work.  He tried yelling and that didn't work.  I can tell that he is very frustrated.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I can smile in the face of adversity. I know exactly what he is about and it will not interfere with my life.

His new condo game fell flat.  I don't want to vacation with him.   I don't introduce him to new people I meet.  I don't want to know who he knows.  I am always respectful and quiet.  I invite him to what I'm doing knowing he won't come.   

He is very frustrated and that's the way I like it.

Tonight, I'm going to a co-ed Bingo and Sangria at PJC.   I could have invited him, but I chose not to.

It doesn't pay to tell the girls because they are just like him.  One even snuck into a film with her boyfriend over the weekend.

I'm doing very well.

Thank you, Almighty for my smile.

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