Friday, May 2, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have made it through the rain.

As is my custom, on Fridays, before the Sabbath, I look back on my week to evaluate it.

This week has been amazing.   I DECIDED TO RETIRE THIS WEEK.  The retirement planner came on Tuesday night and I crunched the numbers with the intention of retiring in June.  I made an appointment to go to Central Office on Monday to look at the health insurance. I told the administrators that I was thinking of retiring.  I know when to mail in the papers and give in the resignation letters.  This weekend I am signing forms and notorizing them.  I am packing up my office and taking things home with me.  WOW!!!! It's been an amazing week.  No wonder my shoulder hurts despite all the yoga that I am doing.

I also took off Wednesday to attend the yoga book club. I went to Restorative Yoga.  I read.  I touched base with friends through phone calls and texting.   I ha dinner with a friend last night who is also retiring.

I was suffering from being nostalgic about my career.   Then I thought of yoga.  My aim now is to celebrate my successes. I will live and enjoy the moment.

The Almighty must have had a plan for me.  Four years ago, when the issues began with him, I could not have predicted that I would be in this wonderful position.  However, it has been a journey of discovery and change.  I am not the same person that I was. I know how to handle him.  I don't have to hide at work any longer.  I AM FREE TO BE ME!!!!! 

With all that has happened to me, with the Almighty's help, I made it through the rain.

I intend to enjoy from this moment on.......

Thank you, Almighty for being there for me!!!!!

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