Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has given me tremendous strength and fortitude.

My life is just wonderful!!!!  I am excited about retirement.

I came home at a regular time and was able to walk for 2 hours.  No longer do I have to service everyone.

Last night I took a Restorative Yoga class and exchanged phone numbers with a  yoga friend who lives nearby.  New things are beginning to happen to me.

The younger one is having problems at work. The Principal told her to look for another school.  I'm not surprised.  She never wanted to fit in or follow rules.   She will be coming here to upset us.  She wants to sleep over.  I am going to have to be strong in this instance.  I can't make everyones problem my own and I'm not going to. 

Today I took off another day.  I want to burn some of my days out.  I planned a very nice day and intend to enjoy it.

It's going to rain later and I'm going to walk early.  

Thank you, Almighty for my strength and fortitude.

Later!!!!   I had an amazing day.  I walked for 2 hours on a glorious morning,  I texted friends and was on the computer.   I did all of my errands.  I laminated my Medicare Card and the letter that Chris wrote to CO accepting my resignation.   I ordered a beautiful ring using my mother's diamond that I will be proud to wear.  I cleaned out the music room.  She has not arrived yet and Im off to yoga.

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