Friday, May 23, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me the qualities of determination and will.

I took another day off from work today.  I walked and hopefully if it doesn't rain, I will be able to walk for another hour.   I went to not one, but two yoga classes,  Restorative and a Level One class.  They were awesome.  I'm getting to know two ladies in the class and they are getting to know me.  Both were in education and that makes it wonderful.

In the Level One class, Leslie spoke of the two sides of life, determination and will and ease and relaxation.  I was amazed.  All my life I had to be determined and be willful so that I would succeed.  Now with retirement, I can be at ease and enjoy my life.  Life will be a vacation.  I'm going to have to think about that because that concept is very new to me.   However, I was overjoyed because I made it!!!!

I picked up the two dresses that I bought at Cindi's.  They had to be altered.  I am proud to say that I will wear one to my retirement party.   I also made a new ring with my mother's diamond that I picked up today.  It's beautiful!!!!

DD coffee and the newspapers were wonderful.   I am now going to clean out a dresser and hopefully after that be able to walk for an another hour if the weather holds.

Thank you, Almighty for making me a determined and strong willed woman because with your help I accomplished a great deal.  I'm celebrating my accomplishments on this Sabbath.

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