Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I took anther "vacation day" off.  

It is getting so that the supervisors clap when they see me at work.

This is my accomplishment.  I have had a wonderful career.  I will get a nice pension, Social Security and then I will enjoy my own life.

I had a brief thought when I heard of the tragedy that perhaps I should not have retired. However, I always used a school, even as a child to hide in.  It's time to move on and change.  I will take baby steps and learn to do this.  It's time to enjoy my own life!!!  It's time to give up the false dreams that I created!!!!!

Today I will walk even though its dreary outside and looks like rain.  I will attend my Yoga Book Club.  My intention today is to purchase a new computer.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this "vacation day."  

I will succeed.  I will move on and have my own joyful life.

Thank you, Almighty.

Later-  The boyfriend called to ask if he received the e-mail to marry her.  He says that the was nasty to bf.  He certainly was in a miserable mood today.  He even yelled at me and I smile as I write this, because do you think that I care???   
             My Yoga Book Club was wonderful.   AND I BOUGHT A NEW LAPTOP for over $2000.  I didn't bat an eyelash.  My first lesson is Sunday at 5PM.  I'm proud of me.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day!!!

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