Thursday, May 8, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for creating the new me.

I am so happy.

I finished putting my Spring Closet together and wouldn't you know it??  It's rainy and cold today and I'm still in winter/spring clothes.

I had a wonderful time at dinner last night with my Sisterhood friends.  I really enjoyed the book club too.  Now that I will be retired it will be easy to facilitate book discussions.

I thought of him too.  I am indeed smiling as I write this.  He spent yesterday being very quiet and I did too while I was around him.   I wondered why he was quiet.  I realized it this morning. I guess that I'm slow on the uptake.  There is nothing to say.  There is no pleasant past to discuss.  There are no enjoyable memories to re-share.  There were so many tears that I could fill a river.

While all that bullying was going on, I was building a career, a life, friendships and activities.  I am retiring to that life.   It's a life that we don't share.  I have grown and changed since that faithful day in July that truly changed my life.  I have moved forward.

There is nothing to say since we live in parallel worlds.  Saying, "no," to everything that I wanted to do didn't stop me from moving forward.  In his mind, he controlled me.  However, I just moved on.  

Thank you, Almighty!!!!

Today, I went to work.  I will read, walk, and get my hair colored.

I am also going out to dinner.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me to create a new me!!!!!

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