Monday, May 19, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day.

It is beautiful outside.  I have decided to go to work Monday and Tuesday and take off Wednesday to go to the Yoga Book Club.  Excellent plan!!!

Today I will go to the bank to pay for my safety deposit box.  I also want to take out my mother's diamond and make it into a ring that I will wear.

I can't wait to walk.  It's beautiful outside.

I also have to phone Dom Noya to change the time for our meeting on Thursday to later as I want to attend my Memory Workshop.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned so much from yoga.  I let go what I choose not to say and that makes my life so much more remarkable.

Thank you, Almighty!!!!!

As a side note, I should tell you that on this day 4 years ago in 2010 my life changed as his brother found a hospital for him to go to and I was all alone.  I am grateful to the Almighty for how far I have come!!!!!

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