Thursday, May 15, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for sending a friend to convince me to begin yoga so many years ago.

I walked yesterday for 1 1/2 hours outside.  It was a beautiful day.

Then I went to my Level 1 Yoga class.   Leslie spoke of something so profound that I will remember it always.    She talked about how to bring yoga into the way you think and how you speak.  Budda talks about thinking before you speak and asking yourself the following questions:

l. Are you telling the truth???
2. Are you kind in what you will say?
3. Is what you are saying necessary??

The last question made such an impact on me that I will remember it forever.  I related it to him. Is what I am saying necessary to say to him?  

Yesterday, I came home to silence.   He was reading the paper and didn't even bother to say hello.  I imagine that was his way to set me up for a confrontation.   I was silent also.  When he began to speak, I spoke.  That took a while.   I went to walk.  He and Dana went to the body shop.  At yoga, I heard Leslie speak.   It made a major impact on me.

We took Dana out to dinner and he was appropriate.   He turns everything on and off and I'm supposed to react.  I don't.  

It does make an impact on me.   I am planning my retirement carefully so as not to get overly involved with him.

Today, I will walk, read and bring my new dresses to the tailor to have them shortened.  He will take the dog to the vet to see about his rash.  Matzah has many allergies and his food probably has to be changed.  

I am grateful to the Almighty for sending me yoga.  I have learned so much from it.

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