Thursday, May 29, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because he has made me a strong woman.   I am grateful because I am experiencing such joy in my life.

It is going to be difficult being around him as I saw yesterday.   The thought even crossed my mind that I had made a mistake in retiring.  Then I quickly perished the thought.   He is what he is.  I did not discuss his temper tantrum in Apple because that would have given him much more fuel.  I just concentrated on my joys.

That's the way it will be.

I joyfully took home a new laptop that was paid for by me!!!!  I signed up for lessons!!!   I'm proud of me!!!!!

I did get to read my book and now I'm busy reading, for Great Books, for the Yoga Book Club and for Sisterhood.

The day is beautiful and I will walk when I get home.

The older daughter did get engaged.  I get an "A" for acting.  He told me that he feels like dying.  His life didn't work out.   I can't tell you how happy I am because now he can't bully and his little princess has escaped!!!!

Life is good and I am embracing it.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the joy in my life.

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