Monday, May 12, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I received 100% on my examination.

I was so proud of myself yesterday.

I walked.  I went to yoga.  When I came home he was in an uproar because he didn't want to go to LIC.   He was arguing with them.  I kept out out it.   I have so learned to think of myself that as he tried to pull me in, I used my quiet voice not to say anything.

He hates the boyfriend.   The boyfriend was meeting us for dinner.  He would have to pay as this fellow ordered everything on the menu.   He was furious.  I kept out of this too.

I had a wonderful day.  The art museum was wonderful.  The park was delightful.  The dinner was delicious.   I received presents from both of them!!   And from him!!!  It was as it should have been years ago.  Yoga taught me not to live in the past.  I celebrated the day.


Today, I'm at work.   It's beautiful outside.   I will walk later.

I wil celebrate myself.

Thank you, Almighty for always being there for me!!!!!

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