Friday, May 30, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the new life that I have just begun to live.

It is amazing.

I walked for two hours early early in the morning because I could!!!!    Then I attended not 1 but 2 yoga classes, Restorative and a wonderful Level 1 class. I bought my challah for Shabbos and did assorted other errands.   I just finished breakfast with DD coffee.  I really read both newspapers.

Now I'm on my way to get a manicure/pedicure.  I'm very excited.  This is a vacation.

The situation between him and his daughter is not good.   The boyfriend was upset at how rude he was.  Although he apologized I'm sure that my daughter now understands what a father he is.  The beautiful thing is that it isn't my problem and he is left having to apologize to someone he dislikes.   All I can do is smile and enjoy my life.

More later...................................

I missed a surprise retirement breakfast thrown by the curriculum supervisor because I took today off.  I was sad about that but I really need to burn out some days.

I called friends to tell them of my daughter's engagement.

He is trying so hard to have a confrontation with me and is failing because I am usin my cute little voice.  I'm proud of me.

It will be Shabbos soon.  I have made a delicious dinner.

Tonight I will read my book.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.  It is amazing.

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