Sunday, May 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my many accomplishments.

I hope that the Almighty will help me to stop reviewing my disappointments.  The crazy thing is that this will happen in the middle of the night.  That's a time that I am more emotional and these memories come right in to upset me.   Yesterday, he found a nice condo in Southampton in the Dan's newspaper.  He has me paying the common charges and when we sell our condo then he will get the money.   I started to review all my memories of condo life with him.  That's what kept me up.  Then other memories flooded in.....................

Today I will be joyful.   I'm going to walk soon wearing yoga clothes in the early morning air because I have a Level 1 yoga class at nine.

I will do some errands.  I enjoy Fresh Produce.   I will gas up the truck and go to DD.  I plan to read my newspapers.    I am really enjoying the new book for the Syosset Book Club.  I have never read Sherlock Holmes!!!!!

Today is the day that I go to the Walt Whitman Mall to the Apple Store to choose a new computer because the one that I'm typing on belongs to BOCES and when retire I must return it.

I'm not sure if I want to go out to dinner or not.  That's undecided as of now.

Later-  This was a wonderful day filled with so many accomplishments.  I did everything that I wanted to do and I might add, did it joyfully.  Joy was also the theme of our yoga class.  I chose a laptop at the Apple Store when I hand in this laptop.  I am grateful for everything that  learned about computers from this laptop.

I also bought a new Spring/Summer Michael Kors bag.

I am making tuna on the George Forman tonight!!!

And yes, I will go to work tomorrow.  I'm thinking Monday and Tuesday with Wednesday off for the Yoga Book Club.

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