Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for an absolutely amazing accomplishment.  

If I had planned this, I could not have done a better job.  As you know I took my Personal Days for the holiday.  He obviously made a decision to have very little to do with me for the duration of the holiday.  I could tell it in his voice when he arose.  I had no reaction at all.   I listened as he spoke pleasantly on the phone to the girls and his brother's wife.  I was interested in seeing how long this would last, but I went about doing everything that I usually do.  I guess that I was supposed to react, but I didn't want to.  There really was nothing to say.

I guess that e couldn't take it anymore because today he yelled about something.  Again, I didn't react.  He went back to being quiet.

I had a delightful holiday.

I could get used to this.

Thank you Almighty for this "TEST" which I got 100% on.

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