Sunday, May 5, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because he has given me such an incredible memory!!!!

Yesterday, he said very nice things to me, especially about why I should retire.  But, it was like turning the clock back one year.  These things have been said to me before and they are just like the "BAIT" before the "ATTACK" and then "GOTCHA."    I just said that I've heard these things before and I cited examples, and then we will see.  For him, it's all about spending time with me before he dies.  But, didn't we spend a lifetime together, most of which was spent in my tears and swollen eyes?

Moving on...............the past will only bring depression.

Today is a beautiful day.  I'm up early and have already straightened the house up. I'm off to walk.  My intention today is to begin to practice quieting my mind and go with the flow of life.

Thank you, Almighty, for my memory.

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