Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the successful "baby steps" that I took this weekend.

I note that I'm saying "baby steps" because change is a process and I am in the beginning of the process.  I remembered all weekend that one  MUST  if one is to   SURVIVE,   LET GO OF THAT WHICH DOESN'T SERVE YOU.

I did quite well this weekend.  He did begin his mantras whenever I was there, looking for a reaction.  He wasn't given one.   He was given a quiet little voice instead.  Only once did I say that he needs more activity.  Truthfully, I know what he wants more of.  That is to control me and try and make me as miserable as he is  (his own words).  That hasn't happened.

Thanks to yoga, I avoided two arguments.  One was about making a shiva call to the Rabbi upon the loss of his mother.  The other was in Norman Levy Park.   Getting rid of that which didn't serve me, really helped me.  I told him to decide what to do about the Rabbi, but that I would make a shiva visit.  I walked to the top of Norman Levy Preserve alone and enjoyed the moment without him, which was fine.  It was awesome up there.

I must say that thanks to the changes in me, I did have a wonderful weekend.  I found that whatever I did without him, which actually was everything, I really loved.

I will continue to make baby steps as I move along through summer.   I promise to keep my quiet little voice no matter what happens and knowing him, I'm sure that he will try.  FAIL, BUT TRY!!!!

I am grate to the Almighty for my successful baby steps this weekend.

Tonight, I am attending Dawn's RESTORATIVE YOGA class which I am really looking forward to.

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