Sunday, May 19, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this awesome day.

I walked in the rain this morning.   After all, it is Spring and wasn't cold at all.   I waved "hi" and spoke with two guys that I go to PJC with.   For years, I felt uncomfortable at PJC because of those girls, but NOW, it feels like home.  They are forgotten as though they NEVER existed.

I came home with Dunkin' Donuts Coffee (3 of them).  I purchased 3 new oils that I learned about in my workshop yesterday.  I even went to the bank!!   I read THE NEW YORK TIMES and NEWSDAY.  Now, I'm on computer and will read and do other chores when I'm off.

I love the stillness these weekends bring.  I love listening to the flow of my breathe and the fact that I'm not planning or creating strategies.

I watched TWILIGHT with him and had a glass of wine to ensure that I was relaxed. I went out to dinner with him. 

I let go of that which didn't serve me when I was with him.  I was still so much so that I can't even remember the mantra of annoying remarks he tried to make.

I was grateful for a wonderful day where I enjoyed each and everything that I planned for myself.

Thank you, Almighty for this awesome day.

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