Monday, May 13, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I finally know who I am.   I know what I like. I know what I don't like.  I know myself.

I had a very enjoyable weekend because of this.   I was not afraid to show him the stores that I shop in on Friday.  I enjoyed having lunch with him too.  I had no expectations.  I had no dreams.  I enjoyed the moment.

I enjoyed services on the Sabbath.  I really liked siting with friends listening to the guest female Rabbi speak to us and I liked the luncheon.

Then I enjoyed walking and reading my book.

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  I liked the fact that my doggie gave me a gift.  I appreciated the gift from Lady Foot Locker that I asked for.  I loved the SHANTI that I wore.  I enjoyed the strategies that I created.   I had made the dinner plan at 6PM to give myself a day.  I walked.  The weather was beautiful.   I went to my yoga class.  I drank Dunkin' Donuts coffee while I read the newspapers.  I went on the computer.  I read my book.

Then it was time to leave to go out.  I positioned myself in a place where I didn't have to say too much to anyone at dinner.   I had created a strategy for no gifts from the girls and that equaled no pain.  It also equaled no yoga mat cleaner or post-its.

I was very satisfied when I got home.  Although I was sorry that in a family, one needs all these strategies,  the night with the them was successful.

 I moved forward today to live in the moment.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I know myself and know what I need.

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