Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I am grateful for the power of stillness on a Shavouth holiday that I took off from work.

Last night, I went to the synagogue study session and met 2 friends there.  I really found it very stimulating.   I enjoyed services a great deal this morning.  I was able to walk because the weather, although it threatened, really didn't rain.

I must compliment myself because he is trying very hard to be indifferent, uncaring.  He is trying to use baiting to get me to say SOMETHING,  ANYTHING that could start a confrontation.

Stillness is the way to go and it works.

I am off to take a private yoga lesson which I regard as medicine when dealing with this situation.

I am extremely proud of myself.  I have learned a great deal this year and am so comfortable and happy with myself.  Stillness is so relaxing.  I feel like a teenager.  I do what I want and just do not care.  There is no mother to punish me!!!!

Thank you Almighty for the continued gift of stillness.

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