Friday, May 24, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for the ride that I took to work on this, the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend.

I'm so happy that the weather played right into my hands because I have fun things to do for myself.   It's going to rain and so there is synagogue, a film that I rented that a dear friend told me about, a good book to read, wine, yoga and a manicure-pedicure.

Yesterday I had my hair colored and cut.  It looks beautiful. He tried to confuse me about dinner, but in my new calm and quiet voice, I was not affected.

Today, I'm giving a computer training to teachers about curriculum mapping.

I need to go to the jewelry store to confirm prices for items that I ordered.

On the ride to work, I always think about my life and I must say that I'm very proud of myself.  I have come a long way to becoming the person that I need to be.   I almost feel as if I am on vacation because life is to be lived for me.

If not now, then when................?????

Thank you Almighty for having faith and patience with me.

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