Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for what I heard Dawn say in Restorative Yoga last night.

I have the power to bring myself from DARKNESS to LIGHT.  The power is in my hands.  That made so much sense.  It all came together for me in that simple sentence.

I can look forward to my life because I know exactly what to do.  I'm so excited.  I feel like screaming it from the hilltops!!!

I also read my App this morning which gave the definition of yoga as healthy. Reiki, as I learned this week, also tries to keep us healthy by keeping MIND, BODY and SPIRIT healthy.

I have noticed that not only do I practice stillness, but I also answer text messages when I choose to.  I am in control of me!

Today I have a private yoga lesson.  The learning continues.

I am content.

I have joy!!!  I have energy!!  I will have a good day!!

Thank you, Almighty for what I heard in yoga!!!

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