Friday, May 31, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because, the truth is, I am happy.  I am no longer seeking happiness.

My intention is to continue to be happy and joyful.  My intention is to continue using stillness when I have to.

I had an amazing conversation with Dana yesterday.  I decided to tell the both of them what he had been up to.  Dana was the only one who responded.  If you remember, the older one actually gave him a website.  

Anyway, Dana said to think of him as a special needs student who can't change.  I am going to do that as I move forward this summer.  When I was growing up, emotional disabilities, unless severe, were not diagnosed.

I'm sure he has one and now I know how to proceed.

To keep myself safe, I cannot get involved in nonsense discussions.

Dana is right about something else.  This has been going on forever and it needs to stop, NOW!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty because I am really happy.  I have accomplished a lot and I am satisfied with myself.

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