Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am learning how to be truthful in a positive way.

He always curses out Izzy, to the point where for a moment, I uninvited the older one to the second seder.  I rescinded yesterday, re-texted as I told you.   I again explained the history of how we arrived at Izzy, but all he wanted to hear was the name of my latest friend that he hates.
To shut him up, I apologized, but that wasn't enough.  He kept it running all day long until I used my acting ability to pretend that I was crying.  That made him thrilled and he stopped. Sick bastard that he is.   What was killing him was that he couldn't get a rise out of me and then he couldn't call 911.  

The truth is that I wanted to have dinner, which I made for me, with tofu and kale and attend my Restorative Yoga Class.

I have been feeling a bit dizzy on occasion and I know that it's part of panic attacks that I would get when I didn't express myself.

I was part of a Reiki Circle today which I thoroughly enjoyed and my card came up for me to be assertive in a loving way.

I did some errands.  I was proud of me because there was ice on the ground and I shopped, put gas in my truck and got DD coffee.

I came home to tell him the truth of how I felt about him.  I said all of this quietly.  I am self-made. I have friends and a career.  I was no longer in love with him.  That was a big one.  I told him why I wouldn't watch the honeymoon movie.I won't watch a film about a young girl who has all her dreams shattered when the honeymoon is over.    I wouldn't retire and until all this is resolved, WHICH I NEVER BELIEVE IT WILL BE.    I WILL NEVER BUY A CONDO.   Then I was done. I think that he was shocked. It's all the truth and it needed to be said.   I feel much better.

Tonight, I am going to yet another yoga class.  After all, this is my stay-cation.  He is taking me to dinner.  My guess is that he will not be able to sustain decency.  However, I was honest.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I was truthful in a positive way.  I did it for myself.

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