Friday, February 28, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the gladness in my life.

The Memory Workshop yesterday wad wonderful.   I really enjoyed all the participants who presented their memories.

I am grateful because I received a huge job assignment from my Principal and was able to complete most of it at the Curriculum Meeting that I went to in Central Office.

Tonight is the Sabbath.  I look back at a week filled with joy.  I loved being free to drive around and do errands.    I loved Restorative Yoga.  I enjoyed the Yoga Book Club and the Sisterhood Book Club.  I enjoyed the Memory Workshop.

He and I went out to dinner last night.  It was pleasant.  I wonder how long he can maintain this decent behavior with me?  I also enjoyed lunch after yoga and dinner before the Sisterhood Book Club.  

It has been a really good week.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the gladness in my life.

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